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Glossary of OSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the OSAv20230621 database(s) held in the OSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the OSAv20230621 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
q12 allwise_sc WISE Correlation significance between W1 and W2. The value is -log10(Q2(rho12)), where Q2 is the two-tailed fraction of all cases expected to show at least this much apparent positive or negative correlation when in fact there is no correlation. The value is clipped at 9. int 4      
When the number of measurements is large, the significance of correlation also tends to be large even though the correlations themselves may have a small magnitude. This is a typical manifestation of statistical significance increasing as the sample size increases; eventually the significant effect can be due to small correlated errors in background estimation or even roundoff errors. These effects tend to be small but become significant when there are enough observations of them. High flux correlation significance should be taken seriously only when the magnitude of the correlation is also fairly high.
q12 catwise_2020, catwise_prelim WISE -log10(1-P(rho12)) given no real correlation int 4      
q12 wise_allskysc WISE Correlation significance between W1 and W2. int 4      
q23 allwise_sc WISE Correlation significance between W2 and W3. The value is -log10(Q2(rho23)), where Q2 is the two-tailed fraction of all cases expected to show at least this much apparent positive or negative correlation when in fact there is no correlation. The value is clipped at 9. int 4      
When the number of measurements is large, the significance of correlation also tends to be large even though the correlations themselves may have a small magnitude. This is a typical manifestation of statistical significance increasing as the sample size increases; eventually the significant effect can be due to small correlated errors in background estimation or even roundoff errors. These effects tend to be small but become significant when there are enough observations of them. High flux correlation significance should be taken seriously only when the magnitude of the correlation is also fairly high.
q23 wise_allskysc WISE Correlation significance between W2 and W3. int 4      
q34 allwise_sc WISE Correlation significance between W3 and W4. The value is -log10(Q2(rho34)), where Q2 is the two-tailed fraction of all cases expected to show at least this much apparent positive or negative correlation when in fact there is no correlation. The value is clipped at 9. int 4      
When the number of measurements is large, the significance of correlation also tends to be large even though the correlations themselves may have a small magnitude. This is a typical manifestation of statistical significance increasing as the sample size increases; eventually the significant effect can be due to small correlated errors in background estimation or even roundoff errors. These effects tend to be small but become significant when there are enough observations of them. High flux correlation significance should be taken seriously only when the magnitude of the correlation is also fairly high.
q34 wise_allskysc WISE Correlation significance between W3 and W4. int 4      
q_de_m_deg tycho2 GAIADR1 Goodness of fit for mean Dec real 4     meat.code.qual
q_pm_de tycho2 GAIADR1 Goodness of fit for pm_de real 4     meat.code.qual
q_pm_ra tycho2 GAIADR1 Goodness of fit for pm_ra real 4     meat.code.qual
q_ra_m_deg tycho2 GAIADR1 Goodness of fit for mean RA real 4     meat.code.qual
qual twomass_scn TWOMASS Quality score for scan. smallint 2     meta.code
qual twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS quality score for scan (0-10) smallint 2      
Qual_I denisDR3Source DENIS Quality flag for I band [0,100] smallint 2      
Qual_J denisDR3Source DENIS Quality flag for J band [0,100] smallint 2      
Qual_K denisDR3Source DENIS Quality flag for K band [0,100] smallint 2      
QUALITY mgcBrightSpec MGC Quality class tinyint 1      

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
