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Glossary of OSA attributes

This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the OSAv20230621 database(s) held in the OSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the OSAv20230621 Schema Browser (other Browser versions).


NameSchema TableDatabaseDescriptionTypeLengthUnitDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
j_2mrat twomass_scn TWOMASS J-band average 2nd image moment ratio. real 4     stat.fit.param
j_2mrat twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS J band average 2nd image moment ratio for scan real 4      
j_5sig_ba twomass_xsc TWOMASS J minor/major axis ratio fit to the 5-sigma isophote. real 4     phys.size.axisRatio
j_5sig_phi twomass_xsc TWOMASS J angle to 5-sigma major axis (E of N). smallint 2 degrees   stat.error
j_5surf twomass_xsc TWOMASS J central surface brightness (r<=5). real 4 mag   phot.mag.sb
j_ba twomass_xsc TWOMASS J minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote. real 4     phys.size.axisRatio
j_back twomass_xsc TWOMASS J coadd median background. real 4     meta.code
j_bisym_chi twomass_xsc TWOMASS J bi-symmetric cross-correlation chi. real 4     stat.fit.param
j_bisym_rat twomass_xsc TWOMASS J bi-symmetric flux ratio. real 4     phot.flux;arith.ratio
j_bndg_amp twomass_xsc TWOMASS J banding maximum FT amplitude on this side of coadd. real 4 DN   stat.fit.param
j_bndg_per twomass_xsc TWOMASS J banding Fourier Transf. period on this side of coadd. int 4 arcsec   stat.fit.param
j_chif_ellf twomass_xsc TWOMASS J % chi-fraction for elliptical fit to 3-sig isophote. real 4     stat.fit.param
j_cmsig twomass_psc TWOMASS Corrected photometric uncertainty for the default J-band magnitude. real 4 mag J-band phot.flux
j_con_indx twomass_xsc TWOMASS J concentration index r_75%/r_25%. real 4     phys.size;arith.ratio
j_d_area twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 5-sigma to 3-sigma differential area. smallint 2     stat.fit.residual
j_flg_10 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 10 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_15 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 15 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_20 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 20 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_25 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 25 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_30 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 30 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_40 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 40 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_5 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 5 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_50 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 50 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_60 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 60 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_7 twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag smallint 2      
j_flg_7 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_70 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 70 arcsec circular ap. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for Kron circular mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for Kron elliptical mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for fiducial Kron circ. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for fiducial Kron ell. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_i20c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_i20e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_i21c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_i21e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_j21fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_j21fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_k20fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_flg_k20fe twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 20mag/sq.″ iso. fid. ell. mag smallint 2      
j_flg_k20fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag. smallint 2     meta.code
j_h twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS The J-H color, computed from the J-band and H-band magnitudes (j_m and h_m, respectively) of the source. In cases where the first or second digit in rd_flg is equal to either "0", "4", "6", or "9", no color is computed because the photometry in one or both bands is of lower quality or the source is not detected. real 4      
j_k twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS The J-Ks color, computed from the J-band and Ks-band magnitudes (j_m and k_m, respectively) of the source. In cases where the first or third digit in rd_flg is equal to either "0", "4", "6", or "9", no color is computed because the photometry in one or both bands is of lower quality or the source is not detected. real 4      
j_m twomass_psc TWOMASS Default J-band magnitude real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS J selected "default" magnitude real 4 mag    
j_m_10 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 10 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_15 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 15 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_20 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 20 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_25 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 25 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_2mass allwise_sc WISE 2MASS J-band magnitude or magnitude upper limit of the associated 2MASS PSC source. This column is "null" if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC J-band magnitude entry is "null". float 8 mag    
j_m_2mass wise_allskysc WISE 2MASS J-band magnitude or magnitude upper limit of the associated 2MASS PSC source.
This column is default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC J-band magnitude entry is default.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
j_m_2mass wise_prelimsc WISE 2MASS J-band magnitude or magnitude upper limit of the associated 2MASS PSC source
This column is default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC J-band magnitude entry is default
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
j_m_30 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 30 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_40 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 40 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_5 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 5 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_50 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 50 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_60 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 60 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_7 twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS J 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude real 4 mag    
j_m_7 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_70 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 70 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J Kron circular aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J Kron elliptical aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_ext twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS J mag from fit extrapolation real 4 mag    
j_m_ext twomass_xsc TWOMASS J mag from fit extrapolation. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J fiducial Kron circular magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J fiducial Kron ell. mag aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_i20c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 20mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_i20e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_i21c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 21mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_i21e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_j21fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_j21fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_k20fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_k20fe twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS J 20mag/sq.″ isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude real 4 mag    
j_m_k20fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_stdap twomass_psc TWOMASS J-band "standard" aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_m_sys twomass_xsc TWOMASS J system photometry magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_mnsurfb_eff twomass_xsc TWOMASS J mean surface brightness at the half-light radius. real 4 mag   phot.mag.sb
j_msig twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS J "default" mag uncertainty real 4 mag    
j_msig_10 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 10 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_15 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 15 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_20 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_25 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 25 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_2mass allwise_sc WISE 2MASS J-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source. This column is "null" if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC J-band uncertainty entry is "null". float 8 mag    
j_msig_2mass wise_allskysc WISE 2MASS J-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source.
This column is default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC J-band uncertainty entry is default.
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
j_msig_2mass wise_prelimsc WISE 2MASS J-band corrected photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS PSC source
This column is default if there is no associated 2MASS PSC source or if the 2MASS PSC J-band uncertainty entry is default
real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
j_msig_30 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 30 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_40 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 40 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_5 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 5 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_50 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 50 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_60 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 60 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_7 twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag real 4 mag    
j_msig_7 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_70 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 70 arcsec circular ap. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron circular mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron elliptical mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_ext twomass_sixx2_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in mag from fit extrapolation real 4 mag    
j_msig_ext twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in mag from fit extrapolation. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron circ. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron ell. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_i20c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_i20e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_i21c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_i21e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_j21fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.circ.mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_j21fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_k20fc twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.circ. mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_k20fe twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msig_stdap twomass_psc TWOMASS Uncertainty in the J-band standard aperture magnitude. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_msig_sys twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1-sigma uncertainty in system photometry mag. real 4 mag   stat.error
j_msigcom twomass_psc TWOMASS Combined, or total photometric uncertainty for the default J-band magnitude. real 4 mag J-band phot.flux
j_msigcom twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS combined (total) J band photometric uncertainty real 4 mag    
j_msnr10 twomass_scn TWOMASS The estimated J-band magnitude at which SNR=10 is achieved for this scan. real 4 mag   phot.flux
j_msnr10 twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS J mag at which SNR=10 is achieved, from j_psp and j_zp_ap real 4 mag    
j_n_snr10 twomass_scn TWOMASS Number of point sources at J-band with SNR>10 (instrumental mag <=15.8) int 4     meta.number
j_n_snr10 twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS number of J point sources with SNR>10 (instrumental m<=15.8) int 4      
j_pchi twomass_xsc TWOMASS J chi^2 of fit to rad. profile (LCSB: alpha scale len). real 4     stat.fit.param
j_peak twomass_xsc TWOMASS J peak pixel brightness. real 4 mag   phot.mag.sb
j_perc_darea twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 5-sigma to 3-sigma percent area change. smallint 2     FIT_PARAM
j_phi twomass_xsc TWOMASS J angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N). smallint 2 degrees   pos.posAng
j_psfchi twomass_psc TWOMASS Reduced chi-squared goodness-of-fit value for the J-band profile-fit photometry made on the 1.3 s "Read_2" exposures. real 4     stat.fit.param
j_psp twomass_scn TWOMASS J-band photometric sensitivity paramater (PSP). real 4     instr.sensitivity
j_psp twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS J photometric sensitivity param: j_shape_avg*(j_fbg_avg^.29) real 4      
j_pts_noise twomass_scn TWOMASS Base-10 logarithm of the mode of the noise distribution for all point source detections in the scan, where the noise is estimated from the measured J-band photometric errors and is expressed in units of mJy. real 4     instr.det.noise
j_pts_noise twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS log10 of J band modal point src noise estimate real 4 logmJy    
j_r_c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J Kron circular aperture radius. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
j_r_e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
j_r_eff twomass_xsc TWOMASS J half-light (integrated half-flux point) radius. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
j_r_i20c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 20mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
j_r_i20e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
j_r_i21c twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 21mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
j_r_i21e twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis. real 4 arcsec   phys.angSize;src
j_resid_ann twomass_xsc TWOMASS J residual annulus background median. real 4 DN   meta.code
j_sc_1mm twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 1st moment (score) (LCSB: super blk 2,4,8 SNR). real 4     meta.code
j_sc_2mm twomass_xsc TWOMASS J 2nd moment (score) (LCSB: SNRMAX - super SNR max). real 4     meta.code
j_sc_msh twomass_xsc TWOMASS J median shape score. real 4     meta.code
j_sc_mxdn twomass_xsc TWOMASS J mxdn (score) (LCSB: BSNR - block/smoothed SNR). real 4     meta.code
j_sc_r1 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J r1 (score). real 4     meta.code
j_sc_r23 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J r23 (score) (LCSB: TSNR - integrated SNR for r=15). real 4     meta.code
j_sc_sh twomass_xsc TWOMASS J shape (score). real 4     meta.code
j_sc_vint twomass_xsc TWOMASS J vint (score). real 4     meta.code
j_sc_wsh twomass_xsc TWOMASS J wsh (score) (LCSB: PSNR - peak raw SNR). real 4     meta.code
j_seetrack twomass_xsc TWOMASS J band seetracking score. real 4     meta.code
j_sh0 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J ridge shape (LCSB: BSNR limit). real 4     FIT_PARAM
j_shape_avg twomass_scn TWOMASS J-band average seeing shape for scan. real 4     instr.obsty.seeing
j_shape_avg twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS J band average seeing shape for scan real 4      
j_shape_rms twomass_scn TWOMASS RMS-error of J-band average seeing shape. real 4     instr.obsty.seeing
j_shape_rms twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS rms of J band avg seeing shape for scan real 4      
j_sig_sh0 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J ridge shape sigma (LCSB: B2SNR limit). real 4     FIT_PARAM
j_snr twomass_psc TWOMASS J-band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio. real 4 mag   instr.det.noise
j_snr twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS J band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio real 4      
j_subst2 twomass_xsc TWOMASS J residual background #2 (score). real 4     meta.code
j_zp_ap twomass_scn TWOMASS Photometric zero-point for J-band aperture photometry. real 4 mag   phot.mag;arith.zp
j_zp_ap twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS J band ap. calibration photometric zero-point for scan real 4 mag    
jCorr twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ J 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude with Galactic dust correction {image primary HDU keyword: Jcorr} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9 phot.mag;em.IR.J
jCorrErr twompzPhotoz TWOMPZ J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." aperture {image primary HDU keyword: j_msig_k20fe} real 4 mag -0.9999995e9  
jdate twomass_psc TWOMASS The Julian Date of the source measurement accurate to +-30 seconds. float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
jdate twomass_scn TWOMASS Julian Date at beginning of scan. float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
jdate twomass_sixx2_psc TWOMASS julian date of source measurement to +/- 30 sec float 8 jdate    
jdate twomass_sixx2_scn TWOMASS Julian date beginning UT of scan data float 8 jdate    
jdate twomass_xsc TWOMASS Julian date of the source measurement accurate to +-3 minutes. float 8 Julian days   time.epoch
jMag ukirtFSstars ATLASDR1 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars ATLASDR2 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars ATLASDR3 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars ATLASDR4 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars ATLASDR5 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars ATLASv20131127 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars ATLASv20160425 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars ATLASv20180209 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars VPHASDR3 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars VPHASv20160112 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
jMag ukirtFSstars VPHASv20170222 J band total magnitude on the MKO(UFTI) system real 4 mag   phot.mag
Jmag_2MASS ravedr5Source RAVE J selected default magnitude from 2MASS real 4 mag magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.J
Jmag_DENIS ravedr5Source RAVE J selected default magnitude from DENIS real 4 mag magnitude phot.mag;em.IR.J
jMagErr ukirtFSstars ATLASDR1 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars ATLASDR2 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars ATLASDR3 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars ATLASDR4 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars ATLASDR5 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars ATLASv20131127 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars ATLASv20160425 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars ATLASv20180209 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars VPHASDR3 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars VPHASv20160112 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
jMagErr ukirtFSstars VPHASv20170222 J band magnitude error real 4 mag   stat.error
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR1 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR2 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR3 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR4 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours ATLASDR5 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours ATLASv20131127 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours ATLASv20160425 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours ATLASv20180209 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours VPHASDR3 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours VPHASv20160112 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
joinCriterion RequiredNeighbours VPHASv20170222 the join criterion (search radius for matches) real 4 degrees   ??
Julian denisDR3Source DENIS Julian day for DENIS observation real 4 JD    
julianDayNum Multiframe ATLASDR1 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe ATLASDR2 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe ATLASDR3 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe ATLASDR4 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe ATLASDR5 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe ATLASv20131127 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe ATLASv20160425 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe ATLASv20180209 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe VPHASDR3 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe VPHASv20160112 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum Multiframe VPHASv20170222 the Julian Day number of the VST night int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector ATLASDR1 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector ATLASDR2 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector ATLASDR3 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector ATLASDR4 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector ATLASDR5 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector ATLASv20131127 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector ATLASv20160425 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector ATLASv20180209 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector VPHASDR3 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector VPHASv20160112 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch
julianDayNum MultiframeDetector VPHASv20170222 The Julian Day number of the VST night {image primary HDU keyword: DATE-OBS} int 4 Julian days -99999999 time.epoch

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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
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Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
