SQL queries - notes and tipsLinks to image cut-outsIf your results contain the following three columns: RA, Dec and framesetID/multiframeID then links will be retuned in the HTML results table that allow you to view image cut-outs of that part of the sky using the multiframes referenced by framesetID or mulitframeID eg
select top 10 ra,dec,framesetID,hapermag3 from lasSource where
hapermag3 > 0 Another way of achieving a similar result can be combined with TOPCAT. This method requires you to build a column URL as part of the query eg select top 10 cast ('http://osa.roe.ac.uk:8080/osa/GetImage?mode=show&database='+ db_name()+'&ra='+ CONVERT(varchar(17), cast(ra as decimal (17,6)) )+ '&dec='+CONVERT(varchar(17), cast(dec as decimal (17,5)))+ '&fsid='+convert(varchar(18),framesetid)as varchar(192)) as url,ra,dec from atlassource Again the table you are querying needs to have the columns RA,Dec and framesetID/multiframeID. If querying detection tables rather than source tables i.e using multiframeID then it would be select top 10 cast ('http://osa.roe.ac.uk:8080/osa/GetImage?mode=show&database='+ db_name()+'&ra='+ CONVERT(varchar(17), cast(ra as decimal (17,6)) )+ '&dec='+CONVERT(varchar(17), cast(dec as decimal (17,5)))+ '&mfid='+convert(varchar(18),multiframeid)as varchar(192)) as url,ra,dec from atlasDetection The format that the query should be written to should be FITS or VOTable. Once loaded into TOPCAT click on the Activation Action button in the main window. Then check View URL as Web Page and select Web Page Locataion Column as URL and Browser Type as system browser the click OK. Now when viewing the table in TOPCAT if you click on a row the cut-out(s) should be displayed in your default browser.
Uploading and using a file as #userTable
select s.ra,s.dec,s.framesetid from atlasSource as s, #userTable as u where s.sourceID=u.sourceID The temp table #userTable only lasts for the lifetime of the query.
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WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, osa-support@roe.ac.uk